Does it hurt?

Short answer, yes. It is a very quick procedure which makes it bearable. We also provide a cool air machine which helps with the pain a lot.

Can I use numbing cream?

Yes, we do not provide it at the studio but you can purchase from any local chemist and they will provide you with instructions on how to use.

How can I prepare for laser treatment?

Make sure you’ve had a decent meal prior to your appointment. A consultation before your treatment is always advised as we need to discuss if laser treatment is suitable for you. It’s important to protect the treated area from harmful UV rays. This means no tanning, whether naturally or with a tanning bed, at least two weeks before your session. Not fake tans. It’s also highly recommended that you stop smoking to promote better healing. Certain medications that increase the risk of bleeding and bruising should also be avoided. Always show up to your session hydrated.

What medications do I need to avoid in preparation for laser?

Any blood thinners, roaccutane and some antibiotics. You must stop taking these 2 weeks before treatment.

How many sessions does it take to completely remove a tattoo?

We are never able to give a definite answer on how many treatments it will take. It may take 5 and it may take 15. It depends on so many things which we can discuss at our consultation.